Debunking Metal Roofing Myths
edited and republished 10/24/24
Being one of the top roofing companies in Plano TX means we get a lot of questions about the best roofing for the unpredictable Texas weather. Texas storms can bring high winds, hail, rain, and spectacular lightning strikes. Lots of people know that metal roofing is a pleasing choice to the eye, but doesn’t metal attract lightning? And isn’t it laid in sheets? Would high winds take off a whole roof? We’re here to answer your questions and ease your mind!
Roofing Company in Plano Fields Your Questions
The mix of droughts and sudden storms leave many Texas residents in fear of fires. And metal has that sneaky trait of attracting lightning. So would a metal roof make you more prone to house fires? Roof Experts is here to discuss the myths about metal roofing and what concerns you should take seriously. Frist, let’s go through some basic facts about metal roofs.
Why is Lightning Attracted to Metal?
Let’s begin by understanding why lightning is attracted to metal in the first place. It has to do with the electrical properties of metal. Lightning is essentially a massive electrical discharge, and when it’s looking for a place to land, it will go for the path of least resistance.
Metal conducts electricity much better than other materials like wood, asphalt, or even concrete. So when an enormous electrical discharge is looking for a place to land, it will go for the path of least resistance. This is precisely what happens to your metal roof.

Lightning rods really work!
How to Protect Your Home
Now that we understand why metal roofs are more likely to attract lightning let’s discuss how you can protect your home. There are generally two ways of doing so. Let’s discuss both in detail.
Install a Lightning Protection System
The most convenient way to protect your home from a lightning strike is to install a lightning protection system. This system will provide a safe path for the electricity to travel through, preventing it from damaging your home.
There are several lightning protection systems, so consult metal roofing companies in Plano TX to determine which one is right for your home.
Be sure to have the system installed by a certified installer and ensure it is properly maintained.
Avoid Having Tall Objects near Your Home
Another way to protect your home from a lightning strike is to avoid tall objects near your home. If you have a tree taller in size than your house, trim it, so it is not as close to your home.
You should avoid having tall objects near your home, such as a flagpole or antenna. If you have such projections on your property, ensure they are appropriately grounded, so they don’t attract lightning.
Hire the Best Metal Roofing Company in Plano, TX
A reputable and experienced roofing contractor can help ensure your home is as safe as possible from a lightning strike. If you live in an area prone to thunderstorms, a certified installer must have a metal roof installed by a certified installer and ensure it is properly maintained.
At Roof Experts, serving Plano, TX, we are experienced in installing and maintaining metal roofs. We can help ensure your home is as safe as possible from a lightning strike. Our top-of-the-line metal roofing services will give you peace of mind knowing your home is protected.
Get your free estimate today!
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